Snap! Connect

Seattle, Washington

Empowering families and students to connect seamlessly with teachers, staff, group leaders, and administration through Snap! Connect’s engagement and communication tools. Offering user-friendly language preferences and a robust set of features, including two-way translation in over 100 languages, text-to-speech, and dictation. From private one-on-one messages to group notifications, Snap! Connect ensures accurate and efficient communication, reaching the intended recipients every time.

My Responsibilites

  • Conducted thorough code reviews to ensure alignment with best practices, fostering high-quality outputs.
  • Spearheaded the re-architecture and redesign of the app, significantly enhancing overall usability.
  • Established a culture prioritizing code quality, emphasizing readability, maintainability, and scalability. Implemented robust unit testing practices, bolstering application reliability and stability.
  • Engaged regularly with stakeholders to ensure project goals alignment and consistent delivery of value.
  • Played a pivotal role in driving the development of critical business features, promptly addressing time-sensitive
  • production issues for a seamless user experience.
  • Demonstrated versatility in backend development, showcasing a holistic approach to product engineering.
  • Emphasized cross-team collaboration, facilitating smooth information flow and project coordination.
  • Optimized database queries, resulting in a notable 50% reduction in page load times, coupled with a 20% security boost through Snyk integration.

ROR, Angular, PostreSQL